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With a foreword by Jacqueline Wilson and edited with an afterword by Thomas Ruys Smith.

“There are a great many kinds of men; there are good thoughtful men like our master, that any horse may be proud to serve; but there are bad cruel men, who never ought to have a horse or dog to call their own. I hope you will fall into good hands; but a horse never knows who may buy him, or who may drive him; it is all a chance for us.”

Straight from the horse’s mouth, Anna Sewell’s beloved and pioneering work of animal literature is reborn in a new edition produced in collaboration with Redwings Horse Sanctuary. Featuring an original foreword by favourite children's author Jacqueline Wilson and an afterword by Professor Thomas Ruys Smith (University of East Anglia) which reintroduces readers to this much-loved book, examining the roots of its extraordinary longevity, the timelessness of Sewell’s powerful literary vision, and the ongoing necessity of her message of kindness and care to animals – and humans.

Redwings are the country’s largest horse welfare charity and proud custodians of Anna Sewell House in Great Yarmouth – the site of Sewell’s birth in 1820 and now a space dedicated to her life and legacy. Every copy of this edition sold will contribute directly to Redwings’ mission to value every horse and try to see the world from an equine point of view.

“To induce kindness, sympathy and an understanding treatment of horses.” Such was Anna Sewell’s vision for her “little book”, first published in 1877, before it went on to become one of the most popular novels of all time. True to this aim, this new edition of Sewell’s classic account of a horse’s journey through Victorian England is the first to have been produced in collaboration with a charity dedicated to equine welfare.


PRAISE for our special edition of Black Beauty:


"This thoughtful new edition reminds us that Anna Sewell's celebrated 'translation from the original equine' has much to teach us, and that Black Beauty's quiet voice can still be heard above the noise of the twenty-first century."
- Susanna Forrest, author of The Age of the Horse (Atlantic, 2016) and If Wishes Were Horses (2012).


“Whether it is the first time you have read this wonderful classic or the sixteenth, have a hanky ready. As heart-breaking and enthralling as ever, these horses have become the stuff of legend. Their legacy will now keep other horses safe and cared for by Redwings, so their suffering was not in vain.” Dame Joanna Lumley


“Anna Sewell’s book is a beautiful, gripping and moving tale that highlights exactly why we need a charity like Redwings. It’s as relevant now as it was when she wrote it.” Martin Clunes OBE DL, President of the British Horse Society


Black Beauty was the first book that ever made me cry. I remember, as a horse-mad girl of nine or ten reading through tears the dreadful account of poor Ginger being carried away, and I remember the joy of reading about Beauty during the times he was safe and loved. It is such a powerful, wonderful story which brought about change, and I am delighted that this edition continues to help horses to this day, in particular the troubled and abused animals safe at last in Redwings Horse Sanctuary.” Pam Ayres


“What a gift to us from Redwings! Black Beauty was the loveliest of books I ever read as a child. Re-reading it now in this excellent new edition, I find Anna Sewell’s story from this most articulate of horses can still play on the heartstrings as much now as it did seventy years ago, maybe more. Altogether wonderful.” John Nettles


“My love of horses has been the mainstay of my life. As a child who had learning and reading difficulties I vividly remember saving up my pocket money to buy a copy of Black Beauty. I then spent many hours learning how to read this amazing story with its deep connection to the welfare of horses. May all who read it for the first time, or those who read it for the 100th time, enjoy.” Suzie Fletcher, Master Saddle Maker


“Anna Sewell’s classic tale of how we humans treat horses has inspired television shows and film adaptations, and book sequels and spin-offs, and yet remains unequaled, impactful and relevant to this day. No one who has read Black Beauty can ever hear the words ‘Poor Ginger’ without gulping. This very special Redwings Horse Sanctuary edition will hopefully go on to raise vital funds for the ongoing care and rescue of still far too many equines in need.” Cressida Burton, author of The Ravensbay School Stories and The Starlight Pony



Thomas Ruys Smith specialises in the study of nineteenth-century literature and culture. He is the author and editor of a wide range of books including, most recently, The Last Gift: The Christmas Stories of Mary E. Wilkins Freeman (Louisiana State University Press, 2023).

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell | Redwings Horse Sanctuary Edition

SKU: 978-1-915812-14-8
£9.99 Regular Price
£9.00Sale Price
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    UEA Publishing Project, 
    Interdisciplinary Institute for the Humanities,
    University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ

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